Hello and welcome to another PlayStation 3 exclusive sneak peek. This time we get a small glimpse at FAT Princesss Online mode and Gladiator mode. The review I made about the graphics, sound, music, etc can be found on my FAT Princess campaign video. After playing this game online for about 12 hours and playing the Gladiator mode quite a bit with each class, I have come to the following conclusion. Gladiator mode is difficult for me. It has 12 Rounds, and for some reason I cannot get past Round 10 with most classes. It is a ...
Heres my first ever video game review and I decided to do it for Fat Princess, a dowloadable game for the Playstation 3. Leave your comments and let me know what you think. Thanks! Heres a link to the forum I mentioned... z6.invisionfree My Playstation ID is jengaship btw, if any of you with a PS3 want to add me!...
sorry for the bad quality i have need for speed most wanted , def jam fight for ny the take over ,nba 2k10 ,killzone liberation , littlebig planet add ons, cod waw add ons black ops add ons. mw2 add ons ,the sims 2, fat princess i have way more but just no scammers im lookinq for infamous but anything would be fine add me PSN id; KaRmA_xB3aSt im lookinq for infamous add me PSN id; DaTtBoi...
this is a video i made B4 X-mas its a lil glitch thingy me and my friend found out how to by accident and its actually real. i dont know how long it will take till it gets pattched, but enjoy it wile it last . ^_^ the game we have tryed it out that it works on are: CoDMW2 RE5 Saints Row 2 [Laggs a little] Fifa 09 if any of you find any more games that work with this glitch/trick please tell me. **GAMES THAT LAGG AND freeze everytime. CoDWaW Fat princess BomberMan ULtra . If any one needs help please contact me or add me on P...
i am psn game sharing and i have fat princess, and noby noby boy im looking for marvel vs capcom ratchet and clank FQB, and battle field 1943 or burn zombie burn so plz add me on psn my id is ipuddin im on all the time like all day every day...
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